On a Quest...
Greetings and well met, readers and surfers of the web! Those of you who have been keeping track may have noticed that my updates and story posts have become a bit sporadic of late. There is a valid reason for this that I probably should have shared sooner. I was hoping to wait a little longer to reveal the surprise, but I feel I owe my readers an explanation sooner rather than later...
I have been devoting virtually all my writing time to a new project - a novella-length follow up to last year's short story, "Identity". I still have a little more work to do before sending it off to my publisher, but once that's done, I will do all I can to make up lost time here at Burn the Map.
That said, I'm very excited about the novella I've been working on, and I hope you'll all be excited as well when it is released. If you haven't downloaded your copy of "Identity" yet, scroll down and click on "Older" below for an excerpt and links to download the story from Amazon, Barnes & Noble, or directly from the publisher, Rogue Phoenix Press. The new story is going to pick up right where the prior installment left off, so you won't want to be playing catch-up when the novella launches.
That's all for now. I appreciate everyone's patience, and I look forward to hearing from all of you in the comments or via the contact form.