Old Dreams, New Beginnings
What a wild couple of months it has been! I finished my next novel and set it up for print. Then I decided the time had come to migrate my website to a new host, which effectively required a rebuild from the ground up. That opened up some new functionality that inspired me to move my email subscriber list host as well! In many ways it feels like rebuilding my entire online presence from the ground up. Still many things to test, add, and augment, but on the whole it’s gone better than I would have hoped. I’m taking pre-orders on the new novel, Hand of Vengeance, starting the moment this post goes live, so if you want to make sure to get your copy the minute I have inventory (~2 weeks), order by clicking the link right here or going to the “Shop” link at the top of the page.
Front cover for latest novel from Burn the Map, Hand of Vengeance