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So you’ve clicked the “Learn More” link, which means you are wondering where you are and what it’s all about.

Physically speaking, I have no idea where you are, but cyberspatially (no, that isn’t really a word…yet), you are at BurntheMap.com, the website featuring the writing of Shane L. Coffey.  (That’s me, for those of you who just woke up, have been up way too long, or are otherwise delayed in processing.)

Now for “what it’s all about.”  That answer comes in two parts.  Part 1:  It’s about adventure, excitement, and fun.  If anything I write makes you think a little bit about the world as it is, as it might be, and where you fit into it all, that’s awesome, but it’s just a side benefit.  It’s way more important to me that you have a good time reading what I wrote, that the stories take you on journeys you won’t soon forget, and that you’ll recommend them to all your friends.  But that comes later, after we get to the second part of “what it’s all about”…

Part 2:  It’s about creating a place where people can see what I’m working on, what I’m into, and whether they like it.  There’s about a trillion social media sites out there, and you’ll find me bumming around on lots of them, but I wanted to create a place away from the hustle and the bustle, a place where my readers can hang their coat up and stay awhile, kick back and relax with me, a place so far off the beaten track that no map is going to lead you there.  So here we are.  I hope you like what you see.  Either way, don’t hesitate to drop a comment on one of my Stories or News posts or use the Contact form to get an email straight to me.  The time you spend here is valuable, and I’d love to hear your feedback to make sure I’m using it well.

Now, by all means, dive in!  One of the links under the Posts heading is a good place to start, or better yet, click the banner at the top of the page or use the Contact link to sign up for email updates to get a FREE, exclusive short story and be the first to know about all my new content.  All the links are right there on the upper left.  Go on.  What are you waiting for?  Just click one!